7 Holiday Email Campaigns that Give Back
Email campaigns can accomplish so much more than increasing brand recognition or boosting your company’s bottom line. At the end of the day, email is a channel where you can communicate on a personal level to millions of people around the world. As the holiday season approaches, we wanted to highlight seven companies that are using their email marketing channels for good. Whether it be giving back to the community, or donating a portion of their proceeds, here are seven standout email campaigns that use the one-to-one communication medium to make a difference.
HSN and Saint Jude’s Hospital
HSN celebrated 9 years of supporting Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital by selling a designer ornament selection. This specific email (pictured below) allowed you to donate directly to St. Jude’s or purchase a limited edition ornament where 100% of the profits funded the research needed to save the lives of children. While it can be effective to simply ask for a donation, the approach of pairing gorgeous ornaments with the holiday season makes the reader more eager to act as they simultaneously give and get. A nice ornament for the holiday tree paired with the satisfaction that their purchase could help find a cure. Subtle and brilliant, all at the same time!ONA and charity: water
ONA executed a beautiful and compelling email campaign to help the nonprofit charity: water. In the email below they offer a Sahel strap to all their photographer junkies of which a portion of the proceeds will bring clean water to millions of people currently living without it.
charity: water
Speaking of charity: water, this organization pulled off a well-designed solo fundraising campaign for the holidays, as well. From their fun wordplay with “Jingle Wells” to their touching graphics, this is a top-notch holiday campaign that gave back to countless individuals and communities around the globe.
Macy’s and the Make-a-Wish Foundation
Macy’s appropriately themed holiday campaign called “Letters to Santa” asked kids worldwide to write a letter to Santa to collect a million reasons to believe. Not only is this idea insanely cute, but Macy’s also donates $1 to the Make a Wish Foundation for every letter they receive. This campaign is called “Believe” and it’s the eighth year they’ve teamed up with the Make-A-Wish foundation to help spread holiday cheer to children with life-threatening medical conditions. This campaign will not only bring joy to children that could really use it, but also lets kids embrace their imagination for a good cause.TOMS
TOMS has always given a pair of new shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased, but for the holiday season they put a seasonal spin on the “one for one” message.
IKEA, UNICEF and Save the Children
IKEA spreads holiday cheer and goodwill with a focus on giving to children. In the campaign featured below, IKEA promises to donate $1 to children’s education through UNICEF and Save the Children for every toy or book purchased.