
The Guide to Effective Email Header Design

Email design lives or dies by the details. One obvious detail is the subject line. Another is the email header. Both of these elements provide important first impressions. One comes before an email is opened and the other immediately after. Once your subject line entices your subscribers to open your email, your email’s header is … Continue reading “The Guide to Effective Email Header Design”

What’s the Barracuda Spam Filter and Blocklist All About?

Is something fishy happening to your emails on the way to the inbox? This is the third entry in our series on SPAM filters: how they work, how to avoid them, and what we can learn from their output. The ‘Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall’ is a plug-in appliance that gives admins a suite of tools used to manage incoming mail. Learn how to read its headers and make sure your email passes the test.

HTML Email Doctype: What, Why, and Which One You Should Use

You may have copied and pasted it into email templates a thousand times, but how much do you know about the HTML doctype in your emails? It actually plays a very important part in helping email clients interpret your code. If you’re just trying to figure out what an HTML doctype is and which one … Continue reading “HTML Email Doctype: What, Why, and Which One You Should Use”