Steak and wine pairing

The Perfect Pairing: A White Label Partnership with Email on Acid

We’re the wine to your platform’s steak.

Imagine for a moment that you and I are dining at a local steakhouse. We walk into the restaurant, sit down in a booth and flip through the menu, searching for the best steaks our wallets can afford. I order the Filet Mignon and you go for the Center Cut Sirloin. “And,” I tell the waiter, “We would also both love a glass of red wine. Though I don’t see one on the menu anywhere.” “That’s because unfortunately, we don’t serve wine,” the waiter informs us. And with that, we shut our menus. As soon as the waiter walks away, we skitter our empty stomachs out the door.

Where’s the Wine?

Just as a great Steakhouse needs a good Chianti to round out its menu, Email on Acid’s White Label Partnership gives companies the perfect pairing for a robust email deployment solution. Our email previews technology provides a market defining, full-service experience for our partner’s customers. Our analytics API offers more than just open rates and clicks, by providing your customers with a deeper understanding of their subscribers—including data like engagement tracking and Geolocation. And our Spam testing gives your customers better insights into their deliverability, before they ever hit send. I mean sure, you can say it’s B.Y.O.B. and tell your customers to purchase their own front-end account. However, doing so adds more work for them, diminishes the value of your platform, and makes you vulnerable to higher churn. Not to mention companies who don’t offer a full menu solution are more susceptible to losing valuable customers to the competitor across the street who is providing email previews, spam testing, and analytics by the glass (or by the bottle).

A Full Menu Solution

Whether you are just starting in the SaaS market and want to offer email perfection to your customers, or you’ve been around for decades and are looking to up your platform capabilities with market-defining previews and spam testing, our White Label Partnership will take your technology to the next level. Our API integration is quick and easy to integrate, plus its already built for you. So let Email on Acid help you deliver the perfect steak and wine pairing—a robust, full menu email pre-deployment platform.
Even Great Emails Need to Be Tested

It’s true: Even well-designed emails can break from time to time. That’s why email testing is an important part of sending a successful campaign. Sinch Email on Acid tests your email code quickly and accurately, allowing you to preview your design across more than 100 of the most popular email clients and devices. Try us free and start delivering email perfection!

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