
The History of Email: Digging Into the Past, Present, and Future

Email history is a long and winding road that covers more than a half-century of electronic communication. And believe it or not – there are quite a few interesting backstories surrounding the origins of email. Whether you’re here because you’re a curious email geek, or you’re trying to write a paper about the history of … Continue reading “The History of Email: Digging Into the Past, Present, and Future”

Pure Imagination: Could ChatGPT Be More Creative Than You?

Whenever people start freaking out about the possibility of artificial intelligence (AI) taking our marketing jobs away, one argument always provides some comfort… Only humans can truly be creative. No piece of technology can ever replace human ingenuity and originality. Right? After all, programs like ChatGPT can only write subject lines, campaign copy, and code … Continue reading “Pure Imagination: Could ChatGPT Be More Creative Than You?”

Gmail Promotions Tab: Is it Really That Bad for Marketers?

Of all of the email clients out there, Gmail is one that gives us some pretty big headaches. It’s the most popular email clients in the world with 1.8 billion users and the Gmail app has a 53% market share in the U.S. So standing out in Gmail inboxes is crucial. But what if you … Continue reading “Gmail Promotions Tab: Is it Really That Bad for Marketers?”

Five Reasons Why Simple Email Marketing Wins

Does writing the “perfect” email ever feel daunting? The odds can feel stacked against you, especially since Hubspot’s study shows that readers open less than 24% of all promotional emails. So how do you steer new subscribers to open your email and click through to your landing page?  Constant communication isn’t exactly the answer. But … Continue reading “Five Reasons Why Simple Email Marketing Wins”

How to Use Buyer Personas in Email Marketing Strategy

Tech-challenged Todd. Penny-pinching Patty. Aging Arnold. Soccer Mom Sally. If these goofy, alliterative (and sort of insulting) names sound familiar, you’ve probably spent time developing personas. Either that or you have a really strange set of Old Maid cards. Persona development is a marketing practice that has the potential to help you understand your organization’s … Continue reading “How to Use Buyer Personas in Email Marketing Strategy”

Why Successful Marketers Always Invest in Email Marketing

In the world of digital marketing, there are plenty of ways to spend your budget. However, deciding exactly where to focus your time, resources, and money isn’t always easy. How much should you spend on PPC, display ads, and social media promotion? What tools should be part of your marketing technology stack? Should you hire … Continue reading “Why Successful Marketers Always Invest in Email Marketing”

4 Reasons Why Segmenting Your Lists Dramatically Impacts Your Success

Guest blogger Erika Brookes of Springbot shares her thoughts on the importance of list segmentation.