Gmail promotion cards

Gmail Promotions Tab: Is it Really That Bad for Marketers?

Of all of the email clients out there, Gmail is one that gives us some pretty big headaches. It’s the most popular email clients in the world with 1.8 billion users and the Gmail app has a 53% market share in the U.S. So standing out in Gmail inboxes is crucial. But what if you … Continue reading “Gmail Promotions Tab: Is it Really That Bad for Marketers?”

How to Display Images and Offer Information in the Gmail Promotions Tab [Free Tool]

Gmail announced last week that it’s adding a new, powerful tool for email marketers: annotations for the Gmail Promotions tab. The Gmail promotions annotation – which will be gradually rolling out across mobile inboxes – allows email marketers to include additional branding and offer information when an email lands in the Promotions tab. “You guys … Continue reading “How to Display Images and Offer Information in the Gmail Promotions Tab [Free Tool]”