Conditional CSS for Email: What Developers Need to Know

An HTML email that renders perfectly in every client is a developer’s frustratingly elusive white whale. While many email clients have improved support for certain features over the years, there are still a lot of differences that make it impossible to create an email that looks exactly the same across every device and client. But … Continue reading “Conditional CSS for Email: What Developers Need to Know”

New Ideas for Using Animated GIFs in Email

Adding a bit of movement into an email can bring the message to life and elevate your email marketing. As these five brands have shown us, GIF hero image designs wow the recipient into checking out what an email has to offer. But there are some other ways a GIF can enhance an email. In … Continue reading “New Ideas for Using Animated GIFs in Email”

How to Use GIFs and GIF Fallbacks for Outlook Emails

Your email designer or email marketing colleague has approached you with a request: they want to include an animated GIF in their next email. Nice! Graphics Interchange Formats (GIFs) are an easy way of adding something fun to your digital marketing. So what’s the roadblock? Well, not all email clients, like Microsoft Outlook, fully support … Continue reading “How to Use GIFs and GIF Fallbacks for Outlook Emails”

Dark Mode Email Design: Who Stands Out in the Inbox?

Whenever I think or talk about dark mode I have a strange tendency to remember Star Wars. I have always been against dark mode and when asked the question “Why?” — I couldn’t actually give a plausible explanation.  Maybe it’s just my age and the thought of change. Maybe I just consider it a fad … Continue reading “Dark Mode Email Design: Who Stands Out in the Inbox?”