
HTML Email Boilerplate for Coding Responsive Marketing Campaigns 

Are you looking for a head start on fixing all the client quirks that emails encounter in the wild?

Try our boilerplate, and hit the ground running.

How to Adjust HTML Image Padding and Spacing in Emails

Learn how to get rid of extra space that shows up under email images.

How to Code Accessible Emails with Semantic HTML and ARIA

When a new email campaign gets into the hands of an experienced email developer, some of the most important work to support email accessibility begins. Two key factors for coding accessible emails are the use of semantic HTML markup and certain ARIA attributes. However, a survey of marketers featured in the report, Accessibility in the … Continue reading “How to Code Accessible Emails with Semantic HTML and ARIA”

How to Embed HTML5 Video in Emails | And Your Other Options

Have you been dying to add video to your emails, but worried about the technical barriers? It might not be as hard as you thought. Just take our handy code snippet and insert your own video.