Animated Email

How to Use CSS Animations in HTML Email Design

Your team wants the next email campaign you code to stand out from the crowd, and they’ve asked you for an upgrade on simple static images. Now it’s your move on how to implement animated emails. After all, you can choose from so many different options, like animated GIFs or CSS animations. We’ve talked about … Continue reading “How to Use CSS Animations in HTML Email Design”

GIFs in Email Marketing: 6 Brands with Great Ideas

The emergence of animated GIFs in email makes it clear that these animations can draw and focus attention on your product in an incredibly powerful way. These five brands have proven just how effective – and fun – GIFs can be in email.

Responsive, Animated Email Template from Email Monks

An estimated 66 percent of emails are being opened on mobile devices.

That’s why we paired up with Email Monks again to bring you an exquisite, mobile-friendly template that, with some awesome coding techniques, will make your call to action pop right off the page!